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Team Dahl after a brilliantly successful dress rehearsal for their WW2 play - We'll meet again!#Heartsandminds


Year 3 scientists have had a great day today in their forces and magnets workshop.


Thank you, Mark the science for spending the afternoon w year 4. We have learnt lots about teeth.


Look at all these wonderful books linked to mental health week’s ’get moving’ focus.


Team Shakespeare enjoying double extra play on double maths SaTs day. Also celebrating mental health through movement. #pshe


Y5’s Dahl class visited the Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Luton today to have a hands on experience witnessing the beautiful religion of Sikhism.


Y5’s Dahl class visited the Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Luton today to have a hands on experience witnessing the beautiful religion of Sikhism.


Y5’s Dahl class visited the Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Luton today to have a hands on experience witnessing the beautiful religion of Sikhism.


Ladybirds have been creating their own “first, then and now” maths stories using a tens frame. They used the counters to represent the marbles Monkey had put in the jar. It was great to hear them using the sentence stems to retell their number story.


Team Dahl loving their Ancient Greek workshop with ! Their enthusiasm was contagious and they all tried so hard! (3)#History


Team Dahl loving their Ancient Greek workshop with ! Their enthusiasm was contagious and they all tried so hard! (2)#History


Team Dahl loving their Ancient Greek workshop with ! Their enthusiasm was contagious and they all tried so hard! (1)#History


SATs breakfast party number two followed by a competitive game of Scattegories! Bring on the reading paper!


SATs breakfast party number two followed by a competitive game of Scattegories! Bring on the reading paper!


In PE, Moomin created their own obstacle courses involving running, jumping, hopping and skipping


Year 3 scientists exploring which objects are magnetic and which are not. #


Moomin have enjoyed setting up an investigation to explore whether beans can grow without soil as part of our science unit


Year six artists living their art afternoon - mixed media portraits.


Year six artists living their art afternoon - mixed media portraits.


More SATs breakfast party pics!


More SATs breakfast party pics!


More SATs breakfast party pics 🎉


Last week Ladybirds visited St. Nicholas’ church as part of their learning about special places. They completed a trail around the church and learned about baptism, by performing a baptism on one of our dolls.


Moomin class enjoyed their trip to Lydekker Park this morning, exploring what could be learnt from plants in our local environment


Year 4 having a lovely time at the oval enjoying our local environment and a huge game of capture the flag.

Maths Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)

Maths Home Learning at Harpenden Academy

As a school, we recognise the importance of fluency and mental skills in mathematics and this new approach will support children at Harpenden Academy in becoming more secure in their recall of the key facts for their year group, enabling them to approach more complex maths with confidence and flexibility. 

What are KIRFs and why are they important?

KIRFs are the ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’ that children need to secure during their primary years. They include facts such as number bonds and times tables. They are particularly useful when calculating, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing but also underpin many other areas of mathematics. For example, in order to find equivalent fractions in Year 6, children need to be able to rapidly recall their knowledge of common multiples (numbers in particular times tables). When children have quick access to a bank of facts, which incur little cost to working memory, they have more capacity to think about more complex problems that draw on these facts. We have noticed that without regular rehearsal, these facts are forgotten so it is essential they are practised regularly and embedded in children’s long-term memory so they can be recalled quickly and accurately.

How will KIRF home learning work?

Every half term, your child will be set home learning which focuses on a particular set of KIRFs. This will be shared via Class Dojo but will also be available on our school website under the maths section. You will see that each KIRF home learning sheet explains what the focus is for the half term and gives examples of the key facts that need to be learnt, as well as key vocabulary and questions to ask your child and top tips for learning them. Learning KIRFs shouldn’t be time-consuming. In fact, KIRFs can be practised anywhere: in the car, walking to school, at the dinner table. The most important thing is facilitating regular practice. Little and often will support your child in retaining these facts for the long term! Each week, please submit evidence of your child learning their half-termly KIRFs via your child’s portfolio. Children will also be taught their KIRFs in school as they always have been; however, each half term, extra attention will be paid to the KIRF focus, as part of Early Bird Maths. Teachers will also assess the children to make sure they are being retained.

We thank you for supporting your child in developing as a confident mathematician. We strongly believe that with factual fluency, your child will become much more confident when working with number and be able to access the curriculum year-on-year with more confidence and enjoyment.

If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Overview of Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)

Please access your home learning by clicking the relevant year group:

Autumn 1

EYFS Reception

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Autumn 2

EYFS Reception

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Spring Term 1

EYFS Reception

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Spring Term 2

EYFS Reception

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Summer Term 1

EYFS Reception

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Summer Term 2

EYFS Reception

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

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