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Successful end of term art project for year six: children planned, designed and built these amazing Memories Boxes linked to our Oval history topic and our belonging driver.


Year six loved their visit from Steel today and asked some brilliant questions!#pshe


We loved our visit from Steel today, learning all about resilience and the importance of sleep, healthy diet, being active, hydration and showing gratitude (noticing glimmers). Can anyone beat Steel’s record of 757 burpees nonstop in under an hour?#pshe


As part of Safer Internet Day, year 2 explored a variety of dangers online and discussed how to respond to them. They had some excellent ideas and good knowledge of the safety features of various apps. They created posters to teach younger children about what they had learnt.


Amazing messages being given to the children this morning by the amazing gladiator Steel! What a fantastic morning we have ahead


Year six scientists dissecting hearts to understand how the circulatory system works.


Year six scientists dissecting hearts to understand how the circulatory system works.


Year six home learning designing posters for around school about how to keep safe online.


Year six historians exploring the Oval as part of their local history project, with an added extra of a tag rugby PE lesson!


Year six historians exploring the Oval as part of their local history project, with an added extra of a tag rugby PE lesson!


Team Dahl had a great science lesson on space and the stars with Mark the scientist yesterday (2).#science


Team Dahl had a great science lesson on space and the stars with Mark the scientist yesterday (1).#science


Marking Safer Internet Day with a visit from the charity Computer Friendly


Year 3 had a visit from Hands on Science and took part in a workshop on biological diversity.


This week in assembly we celebrated Martin Luther King day, reading about this inspiring activist who devoted his life to fighting for civil rights. We linked to other activists such as Nelson Mandela, Greta Thunberg, Malala and Rosa Parks; and to our value of respect.


A huge thank you to all the adults who came to visit us today to explain how their job uses maths.


Ladybirds have had a fantastic ! We have loved hearing about jobs that use numbers and dressing up! We are so inspired. We also made foot rulers to measure things in the classroom.


Our fourth visitor of the day was Tendaii, a train and air engineer. Our Y6’s were fascinated by his models and recognised how scale factors work in producing drafts of projects.


Our third visitor of the day was Matt who works in the sports field. He explained to our Y6’s how fractions, decimals and percentages play a part in making predictions about different sporting events.


Our second visitor of the day was Business Analyst Andreii who spoke to our Y6’s about how algebra and coding is used in his IT role.


Our first visitor of the day was Nurse Helen who works at treating cancer patients. Our Y6’s enjoyed learning about why measuring is particularly crucial in this field.


Happy Number Day from Year 3!


Aren’t we lucky to have such lovely, kind parents in our Year 1 class? We are so appreciative of these yummy sweet treats!


Lunar new year celebrations last week

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024

Pupil Premiium Strategy 2022-2023

Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022 


  • We ensure that learning and teaching opportunities meet the needs of all pupils
  • We ensure that the needs of all of learners are carefully assessed on a regular interval in particular the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils
  • We ensure that appropriate provision is in place for those students who belong to vulnerable groups
  • In making provision for socially disadvantaged students, we recognise that not all students who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals
  • We use the Pupil Premium funding to support any student or group of students who the academy has identified as socially disadvantaged
  • The type of provision will depend on the identification of the need for the priority student or group of students.

Pupil Premium / Ever 6 Provision Map

We track the provision for each child on the Pupil Premium through a provision map where we record how the students are supported.  These include:

  • TA support received in class
  • Small intervention group work or 1 to 1 sessions within Inclusion
  • Participation in the nurture
  • Access Arrangements
  • Support from external agencies (counselling, targeted services, TAF, Links support and outreach work etc.)
  • Attendance at clubs; sports and music etc.
  • School trips
  • Participation in the Wow Weeks if these is generative a cost for parents

Pupil Premium / Ever 6 Provision

All pupil premium students access:

  • High quality teaching in the classroom
  • Support in accessing extra – curricular activities which require extra support and funding

Provision targeted at year groups or across year groups

Transition from primary to secondary

Summer school, extended transition mornings, part funded residential trip.

Support for end of year school events

Pupil Premium funds are used to enable PP students to take part in the community celebration events of their time at Harpenden Academy, i.e. attend the leaving celebration, external reward trips  and buy the year book.

Support for school trips

Trips are offered at a reduced rate for all PP students.

Music Lessons

Music lessons, exam costs and sheet music are offered free for any PP student who wishes to participate.

Teaching Assistant’s (TA’s) in class

Many PP students benefit from TA support in the classroom to ensure they participate fully in lessons and supported to access the concepts covered in the lessons and to work independently. 

Joint planning by the TAs and teachers- identified LSAs attached to individual faculties.

Targeted to small cohorts within each year group or to individuals

Literacy Interventions

Talking Partners - a targeted intervention to support the communication skills of the PP students.

One to One reading / spelling / handwriting / numeracy intervention.

Small group lessons in the Learning Zone.

Access to Wonder days and Wow Weeks

As part of our Creative Curriculum the children have either an external visitor or go on an external trip to enhance their learning. If these incur a cost then PP pupils have a reduced cost or the experience is paid for as it enhances their learning of curriculum subject.

We also have termly WOW weeks such as Science Weeks or Book Weeks and again if these create a cost for parents then PP children get this cost reduced or paid for from the PP grant as this again further their learning.

Behaviour for Learning

Nurture Group in Primary to support the social skills.

Mastering Memory and Fine Motor Skills

PP students who have difficulties with their short term working memory or their fine motor skills are supported using one to one specialised programmes.

Learning Portraits

Through setting up the Learning Portraits all members of staff acquire an in depth understanding of the students and strategies to support them in their learning.


Some students are supported through the counselling service, such as bereavement counselling to help them work through issues which impact on their readiness and capacity for learning.

Data analysis

Regular analysis of data by the SENCO to track, monitor and identify underachievement.


In house attendance improvement officer to support the families and the students.

Regular meetings with both parents and students.

Home visits.

External agencies

Utilisation of external professionals to run sessions for children in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

Partnership with Links academy.

Support from EP.

Close liaison with family support workers.

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