It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours. We provide a complete list of the items needed for school uniform in line with the most recent government statutory guidance.
Our policy on school uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:
- promotes a sense of pride in the school;
- engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school;
- is practical and smart;
- identifies the children with the school and sets the tone for education;
- makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;
- is regarded as suitable wear for school and good value for money by most parents;
- is designed with health and safety in mind.
- addresses any appropriate equality, diversity and inclusion needs.
The Harpenden Academy school uniform may be obtained from:
STEVENSONS10 Leyton Road Harpenden Hertfordshire, AL5 2TL 01582 968939 |
BEAT SCHOOL UNIFORMS4 Station Road Harpenden Hertfordshire, AL5 4SE 020 3362 2930 |
Please click on our Uniform Guidelines for details of our summer and winter uniform.
All items of clothing and footwear should be clearly labelled. Lost items are placed in the lost property in the KS1 block and parents are recommended to check lost property regularly. Clothing should also have hooks to enable children to hang items easily.
Parent Financial Support
Our Parental Support Services page lists foundations offering financial support to families in Harpenden.
Our FoHA offer a 50% discount off uniform for all our pupil premium families.
Hair should be kept clean and tidy and must not be worn in any extreme style or have an appearance inconsistent with traditional good standards of uniform. We realise that this can be interpreted differently according to culture and ethnicity and are happy to accept and value all kinds of smart as long as these are consistent with the headteacher’s final judgement.
We follow the Halo Code. If worn short, hair may have a gradual fade, but should not be stepped or a grade 0 at any point. If short hair is worn the same length all over it may be no shorter than grade 2. Hair should be of a natural colour. No patterns or tramlines should be shaved into the hair or the eyebrows. Long hair should be fastened or tied back for practical activities.
On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exceptions to this rule are ear-ring studs in pierced ears in the lower lobes.
Smart Watches/Devices
Smart watches/devices that record video, take photos or can receive or send messages/calls are not allowed in school. This is because they are a safeguarding risk as well as a distraction that interrupts learning. We ask that parents do not allow children to bring smart watches / mobile phones to school because they are a safeguarding risk. If a child needs to contact a parent or carer, they can do so swiftly from the school office.