School Lunches
Aspens is the company that provides the meal service for our children. Aspens are experts in school catering and have years of experience when it comes to school food.
The food children eat at school plays an important role in their wellbeing and eating a well-balanced diet will not only maintain and improve their health but will also set them on the right track for later life. Aspens understands this and that’s why they are passionate about serving fresh, high quality, and locally sourced food that is cooked in our kitchen.
Lunchtimes are from 11.45am - 12.45pm (KS1 children) and 12:15pm - 1:15pm (KS2 children). All children will have their lunch in the main school dining hall.
Aspens Select
We are pleased to introduce Select, our menu ordering and payment system. Select offers a simple solution for parents to choose and monitor their child’s school meals.
· Removes dealing with cash and cheques
· Ensures child receives lunch they ordered
· Can place advance orders for any date in the current school term
· Ability to amend payments if pupil is away from school
· Record any specific dietary requirements
Registration is easy
Parents register and then log into the online system to view the current menu along with current promotions. Each term a new menu will be available, from which parents can review and pre-select meals for the days they choose.
The first stage of the process is to create an account with an email address. An email is sent to verify the account. The school will provide you with the school ID code and a unique child code. Multiple children can be registered on one login. These details will only need to be entered once. Future logins will only need an email and a password.
Once registered, choosing meals is easy. By selecting ‘Add New’, a calendar is displayed with each available menu option for that day. Orders can be taken daily, weekly or for a full term in advance. There is also a function to cancel any meal if required. Aspens have a complete guide on how to order school meals on the Select system. Meals can be ordered up to 8am on the morning.
If your child is unwell we kindly ask that you log onto the system before 8am and cancel the meal, regardless of whether you pay for meals or not. If you pay for meals you will see the credit returned to your account.
Once all orders are placed, a list of children, their meal choices for that day are forwarded to the school catering team.
For those children who are eligible for FREE school meals or universal Free school meals, accounts will be credited accordingly. If payment is required, details can be added.
Packed lunches
Parents can provide a packed lunch for their children if this is the preferred option. Packed lunches are to be in a named lunch box or lunch bag. We kindly ask parents not to provide sweets and fizzy drinks and in the interest of safeguarding children with allergies ask that parents refrain from providing foods that contain nuts or sesame.
Provide your child with enough food to give them enough energy to get through a busy school day, but please do not feel you have to provide more than is necessary. The children are also provided with a healthy snack of a fruit or vegetable item and a drink at school and can access this whenever they wish to have it.
How to Register and Order School Dinners - Aspens Select Parent Letter