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Team Harpenden Academy celebrating another wonderful year together!


Year six geographers created questionnaires to ask children at Harpenden Academy about their visits to the Oval. They then discussed what campaign they could plan to encourage more people to visit this wonderful local nature haven.


Final year six trip and today was a wonderful visit to our local Harpenden library. We learnt that the library is a safe space for us as we travel through our teenage years and we enjoyed exploring all sorts of books (fiction and non fiction) and graphic novels.


Final year six trip and today was a wonderful visit to our local Harpenden library. We learnt that the library is a safe space for us as we travel through our teenage years and we enjoyed exploring all sorts of books (fiction and non fiction) and graphic novels.


Amazing Y4 successfully completed the DT project “Simple circuits and switches” ,designing and making their own torch!


Team Dahl were lucky to be joined by the wonderful Jack today who gave us a special final Spanish lesson!#MFL


Team Dahl exploring Harpenden on our geography field trip this morning!#Harpenden


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


Our year six geographers had a wonderful fieldwork trip to the Oval yesterday, practising their map reading skills and gathering data to create their own maps today.


Our year six geographers had a wonderful fieldwork trip to the Oval yesterday, practising their map reading skills and gathering data to create their own maps today.


In year 1 we have been enjoying using the atlases to locate hot and cold countries.


Harpenden Academy rockstars performing at their irock end of year concert.


Year six designers working on their mono print on fabric/sewing collages linked to our Black and British history unit.


Year six young chefs visiting Chef Jez Rothamsted Research to learn more about balanced diets, sustainable cooking and appealing presentation.


Year six young chefs visiting Chef Jez Rothamsted Research to learn more about balanced diets, sustainable cooking and appealing presentation.


Year six young chefs visiting Chef Jez Rothamsted Research to learn more about balanced diets, sustainable cooking and appealing presentation.


Team HA meeting Alice Hewson


Back watching the action.


The girls jazzed up their hats


Chill out time for our sports leaders

Hearts and Minds Project

At Harpenden Academy we believe in developing both the hearts and the minds of all our children so they can have happy, healthy and successful futures. 

As a school we are committed to providing a well-rounded education that both nurtures and stimulates our children. The project came from our values-based educational approach and the importance we place upon the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing.'

What is it all about?

The school staff and children from the school council worked together in 2017 to create a pledge of all the experiences we wanted our children to have during their time with us. These activities would sit on top of our normal curriculum. We pledge that we will provide the children with a range of opportunities which are:

  • Give, by carrying out genuine acts of kindness.
  • Give and support the school or wider community by volunteering.
  • Be active and take notice of nature.
  • Connect with others and learn something new by regularly attending a school club.
  • Plan or participate in a fundraising event in school. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how democracy works.
  • Represent the school in either a sporting, cultural or academic event.
  • Develop or actively support eco-friendly systems.
  • Take part in a residential trip.
  • Take part in a school production either on stage or behind the scenes.
  • Attend or take part in a community event.

As the children progress through the school we will provide them with the opportunities to achieve the above tasks. We will track their progress from Reception to Year 6 and we will present an award to them in recognition of the completion of the project pledges. 

Below is this year's overview.

Hearts and Minds Yearly Overview

Year Group Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Reception Give, by carrying out genuine acts of kindness – make Christmas cards for people who help us in school   Give and support the school or wider community by volunteering Be Active and take notice of nature – The Big, Nature Walk and Talk
Year 1

Give, by carrying out genuine acts of kindness – make Christmas cards for local emergency services

Give and support the school or wider community by volunteering Be Active and take notice of nature – The Big, Nature Walk and Talk
Year 2 Give, by carrying out genuine acts of kindness – shoe boxes for charity Give and support the school or wider community by volunteering – Litter picking Be Active and take notice of nature – The Big, Nature Walk and Talk
Year 3

Connect and learn something new by regularly attending a school club

Give, by carrying out genuine acts of kindness

Develop or actively support eco-friendly systems

Represent the school in either a sporting, cultural or academic event

Demonstrate an understanding of how a democracy works

Be Active and take notice of nature – walk to The Oval for bluebell walk and picnic
Year 4

Connect and learn something new by regularly attending a school club

Give, by carrying out genuine acts of kindness – make fruit cakes for staff and parent helpers
Represent the school in either a sporting, cultural or academic event

Plan or participate in a fundraising event in school

Be Active and take notice of nature – walk to The Oval for bluebell walk and picnic
Year 5

Connect and learn something new by regularly attending a school club

Give, by carrying out genuine acts of kindness – sing Carols at local residential home 

Take part in a residential trip

Be Active and take notice of nature – plant trees

Represent the school in either a sporting, cultural or academic event
Take part in a school production either on stage or behind the scenes
Year 6

Connect and learn something new by regularly attending a school club

Give, by carrying out genuine acts of kindness

Be Active and take notice of nature – plant trees

Represent the school in either a sporting, cultural or academic event

Attend or take part in a community event

Take part in a residential trip



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