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Small school champions. Well done to our year 3&4 boys football team.


Team Dahl arduously reading up on Greek mythology in our wonderful library!#English


Year 3 debating whether we should stop using plastic products.


Stunning start to the day at cross country club - Spring is finally in the air!


Year six athletes practising batting and fielding tactics for rounders at SJL this morning.


Year six athletes practising sprinting and baton handover at SJL this morning.


Moomin class have been learning about creating pictograms on the computer. First, we gathered data in a tally chart using skills learnt in maths last term.


Year 5 working hard on their ancient Greek vases in art class!#art


Ladybirds have been exploring the story of The Three Little Pigs this week. We have been working together to retell the story, making houses out of sticks and making pigs using collage technique.


Our Year 1 children loved mark making to music in their art lesson this week. We are developing our drawing skills and knowing how to create different types of lines. The music conjured up images of the ocean in our minds.


Year 4 working on their under arm bowling and sprinting today at SJL.


Rounders tactics today - in particular keeping our heads up to avoid running out our teammates!


Yesterday in year six we talked about creating a mental health toolkit to boost our wellbeing and one of our team shared how art and craft always boosts her mood. Today she brought in a hat based on Harry Potter’s Luna Lovegood to share, made from recycled plastic!


Yesterday in year six we talked about creating a mental health toolkit to boost our wellbeing and one of our team shared how art and craft always boosts her mood. Today she brought in a hat based on Harry Potter’s Luna Lovegood to share, made from recycled plastic!


Year six musicians composing using GarageBand.


Happy Earth Day! Why not read a book linked to this special day.


New Kit for our Year 3&4 girls football team. So proud of the team so much potential great work girls.


Ladybirds had a great visit to Harpenden Library today. We learned about the different books we could read at the library or take home using our library cards. There were so many amazing ones to choose from!


Well done boys! Amazing performance today against the Lea.


Eid Mubarak inspired books - happy reading everyone!


Eid Mubarak to everyone in our community celebrating 🌙


To the Harpenden Academy family" Happy Easter " love Rosie Red.


A beautiful Easter service to celebrate the beginning of the Holy Week. Happy Easter everyone!



Sports Premium

The Department for Education is doubling the funding that primary schools receive to improve the quality of their PE and sport provision from £160 million to £320 million a year. The PE and Sport Premium is part of a series of programmes led by the department to improve healthy lifestyles among pupils and tackle childhood obesity.

There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement across:

  • the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
  • the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole - school improvement
  • increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  • broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  • increased participation in competitive sport

How much PE and sport premium funding has Harpenden Academy received for this financial year?

Please refer to the document here

Schools are to determine their own spending, looking to improve the quality and breadth of PE / sport, looking to increase participation, encourage healthy lifestyles and improve the quality of provision.

How much PE and sport premium funding will Harpenden Academy receive for the next financial year 2022-2023?

Please refer to the document here

The outline of our aims is detailed below: 

This will use our sports premium to achieve the following aims and will link a number of our aims to school development plan and 

  • Maintain Gold School games mark. 
  • Clear and user-friendly way of recording activity levels of the children. 
  • PE moderation and professional discussion to aid assessment of pupils.
  • Continue and embed use of Concept Descriptors to inform assessment to ensure sustained progress in PE.  
  • To use ipads as tool to aid the learning and assessment in PE.  
  • To ensure we are being more sustainable in PE e.g. we will send all sporting communication via Edulink.  
  • To support the wellbeing of pupils we are offering a range of opportunities to enjoy physical activity. 

How has the funding been used to enhance the quality of PE and sport at Harpenden Academy? 

In addition to our curriculum lessons, the children have access to a wide range of opportunities to compete in intra and inter sport. This is a unique opportunity that is enabled through the use of the sports premium funding. We provide children the opportunity to attend different clubs, football, netball, dance, multi-sports through staff and external agencies. The aim is to use this funding to provide opportunities and develop talent to create a sporting legacy at the school. 

During their PE lessons our students are able to participate in a range of activities including: gymnastics, dance, games, athletics, swimming. We ensure that our facilities support the delivery of different sports. To enhance learning, we use local facilities such as the Harpenden Leisure Centre, Harpenden Common and Sir John Lawes playing fields.  

What has the impact been so far on participation and attainment? 

All children, receive two PE lessons a week and KS2 children have the opportunity to go swimming at our local leisure centre. Student progress and attainment has also increased, as a result of the provision put in place due to the additional funding available. Across the school, we have over 65% of children working at age related and with 20% of children across. 

We also have established our sports teams, in football, netball, rounders, tag rugby and athletics, ensuring that they have had opportunities to compete against local schools, on a regular basis as well as district competitions. 

Professional Development: 

Some of the funding has also been used for the professional development of our teachers, to ensure that all staff have the best training in order to deliver high quality provision to our students.  

  • Coaching for staff and TA’s in teaching games. 
  • Ongoing CPD for TA’s and primary teachers, in delivering PE and sport in a variety of activities. 

The future: Next steps

  • Children can confidently articulate their learning in PE (Vocabulary, LS, success, next steps) 
  • To monitor the activity of levels of the children at Harpenden Academy (EAL, SEND, PP, girls) 
  • Staff to feel more confident when assessing children in PE  
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