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Ladybirds had a fantastic visit to Little City this week. We were able to role play as lots of jobs within our community. We had hairdressers, builders, shop assistants and police officers. It was a very busy morning!


Ladybirds have been exploring emergency services and using junk modelling to create our own emergency vehicles. We have added lights, wheels and even repeating patterns to bring them to life!


Year 3 scientists exploring pushes and pulls as part of our new forces unit.


Whole school cinema trip to the gorgeous Odyssey theatre in St Albans to see Santa Claus.


Year six designers have completed their DT project using complex switches and circuits to create buggies.


Team Dahl had a very successful PE dance lesson today as the children performed (only their 2nd full attempt) a dance routine to ‘Proud’ by Heather Small!


Ladybirds have been learning about the Christmas Story in R.E. Today we drew our favourite characters in the story using Freeform on the iPad. We were so focused on our learning and loved learning new skills.


Year 3 had their final swimming lesson for this term today. # healthylifestyle


Year six dancers creating routines to depict prejudice and discrimination- varying height, speed, flow and apparatus to show power over.


Year six Christingle army!


Year six designers building their buggies


Year six designers building their buggies…


It’s feeling very festive in school with our wonderful winter festival display and first ever tree on the roof!


A celebration of winter festivals to greet our children and parents…#experiences


Ladybirds have been making challah bread linked to our learning about Hanukkah this week. We learned so many new skills such as kneading and plaiting!


Last week’s beautiful cross country sunset run


Year six writers are loving our new unit: persuasive speeches. We have been exploring a range of famous speeches from the Talking History book and using our reading fluency skills to perform them passionately.


Year six working hard on their flexibility Challenges as part of their health-related fitness unit. They enjoyed considering what sports would require each type of flexibility.


Team Dahl was lucky enough to be visited by Jump today who’ve come in to teach one of our RE lessons on the Christmas Story!#RE


Year six athletes enjoying a visit from a local boxing club linked to their health-related fitness unit.


Year six athletes enjoying a visit from a local boxing club linked to their health-related fitness unit.


Why not read a book celebrating disability and linked to our current PSHE topic: Celebrating Difference.


Amazing resilience and commitment from those cross country runners who turned up to run in the snowy conditions yesterday! What a beautiful and invigorating start to the day.


Year six athletes are really enjoying their health-related fitness unit and all challenged themselves to do the blue challenge at each cardio station today.


Year six athletes are really enjoying their health-related fitness unit and all challenged themselves to do the blue challenge at each cardio station today.

Friends of Harpenden Academy (PTA)

Friends of Harpenden Academy is our Parent Teacher Association. We are committed to supporting the school and wider community.

Together we raise on average more than £10,000 each year, from events and activities that we enjoy running and our school community enjoys attending. This money is spent on school infrastructure, materials, activities and equipment, all of which make a huge difference to the quality of the education experience our wonderful teachers can provide the children at our school.

We can’t do this without valuable support from the school community, and as a parent of Harpenden Academy, you are automatically a member of Friends.  So... welcome!

Upcoming Events  School Shop

FoHA Membership


All parents and carers of Harpenden Academy students are automatically members of the Friends of Harpenden Academy (FOHA). So why not come along and get involved? It’s a great way to meet other families and we have lots fun!

Friends of Harpenden Academy (FoHA) is the PTA for Harpenden Academy. We are a registered charity and led by a group of committed parents who meet regularly to plan events and fundraising ideas for the school. Every parent and carer of a child at Harpenden Academy is already a member of FoHA—so why not pop along to our next meeting and see if you fancy getting more involved?!

2023-24 FOHA Core Committee


Ellie Ratliff





Aubrey Caulfield


Ben Dickens


Jackie Clode-Dickens



Becoming a class rep

Class reps help build a sense of community among the class parents and help provide the link between the parents and Friends of Harpenden Academy (FOHA) - our equivalent of a Parent Teacher Association). Like every parent, class reps are invited to the monthly FOHA meetings to gain a broader understanding of what the Friends do for the school.

With lots of busy parents – we recommend sharing the role with 1 or more parents.

The Role in a Nutshell

Organising Class Social Events for Parents

  • Class coffee mornings and parents’ evenings are always good fun and the most effective way of helping parents get to know each other and generating a good team spirit in your class

School Events

  • FOHA hold a variety of fundraising and social events throughout the school year. Class Reps are asked to encourage attendance and rally volunteers. For larger events (our Easter Egg Hunt and the post Sports Day Celebration) it works best if each class is allocated a stall/task and Class Reps are responsible for coordinating the preparation, rota and clearing up


  • Some of our existing class reps send out weekly announcements via Classlist reminding class parents of upcoming class events/deadlines etc. They will often manage requests from the teachers such as bringing in extras for junk modelling or a themed week at school

Teacher's Presents 

  • If your class decides it wants to give the Teacher and the Teaching Assistant a Christmas or end of year present, the Class Reps will organise this. Class Reps also generally coordinate a card or similar for the teachers with messages from the children at Christmas and the end of year

Next Year's Reps

  • Towards the end of the year, please find at least one lovely volunteer to rep for next year!



Sarah Elderton & Felicity Gregg


Emily Barnham


Abbie Collin & Rebecca Clacken


Emma Chateauneuf & Jamey Doe


Gillian Griffiths & Sophie Acton


Pierre Oliviere & Geraldine Archbold-Shore


Helen Camfield & Sarah Elderton

How we'll get in touch

Classlist at Harpenden Academy

Classlist is the way we share information from your Class reps and the Friends of Harpenden Academy. You can also use Classlist to communicate directly with other parents in your class: about school and non-school events. You can pay for school events online using Classlist and you can use it to organise parties or playdates.

Registering for Classlist

  • Visit
  • Click ‘Join here’.  Enter our school name “Harpenden Academy” click continue
  • Enter your basic information (name, email and a password you select)
  • Your application will be sent to our school Classlist admin team for approval. This step makes sure only Harpenden Academy parents are on our Classlist site
  • When approved, you will be sent an email letting you know you’re ready to go
  • Once you have access to Classlist, you can (if you wish) add more personal information (like your address and a photo) to your profile
  • Don’t forget to add to your safe senders list
  • better still – add the Classlist app to your phone
  • Classlist is registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office. This means it must meet obligations with regard to its data protection. Details are never passed to third parties
  • Free to users, Classlist makes its money selling advertising - we have experienced it to be minimal, relevant and non-intrusive

How you can get involved with Friends

Get Involved

Come to Meetings

All FoHA members are welcome to attend any of our meetings, even if you’re not a class representative or on the Committee. Don’t be shy! We meet roughly monthly, usually in the evening, and it’s always a relaxed occasion. Our meetings are social, welcoming and a great way to get to know your new school and other parents and carers.

Support Events

Many parents and carers have many commitments both in and out of the home and we appreciate how precious your time is. We make sure that when you do put your hand up to help, your contribution is enjoyable but never a chore. We usually need plenty of help both before and on the day to pull off events, so there is always something that can fit in with your schedule.

We realise that not everyone is able to give their time, so there are lots of other ways to show support. Please consider attending events and activities, making a fundraising purchase or donating items or money, all of which will contribute to the success of the events.sure that when you do put your hand up to help, your contribution is worthwhile and valuable. Most events for the coming year are already scheduled. We aim to be different and hold events you and your family will enjoy attending. But, we need plenty of help both before and on the day to pull them off.  You will be asked to help.

Be Your Class Rep

Harpenden Academy Class Reps are the link between teachers and parents and carers. They help build a sense of community amongst the school families. They are the teacher’s ‘go-to’ when information needs to be shared with all families in the class or when extra support is needed for things like school trips and activities.

We often have two or more reps from each class to help spread the responsibilities around, cover holidays, different drop off/pick up schedules and illnesses.

Volunteer in School

From time-to-time, the school asks for volunteers to help with activities taking place in school time with the children. Volunteering is incredibly valuable to the school and a fulfilling way to get involved.  You could volunteer for a regular slot (e.g. reading in class) or for special activities and school trips (great fun!).  Any volunteer who is likely to be in a 1-to-1 situation with a child needs a DBS check (criminal record check).  This is simple and free to do, but can take a few weeks for results to return - so please do get yours in advance so you are able to step up to join in!  Contact Kathryn Jackson in the school office to start the process.

Simple Ways to Help

Raise money for our school when shopping online. Simply choose “Friends of Harpenden Academy” as your charity on the below websites.

Easy fundraising  


Earn 30% commission for school by entering AL54EN at checkout.

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Earn 10% commission for the school by entering 35586 at checkout.

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Earn the school a commission each time you enter our code when purchasing the below brands.

Fundraising Priorities

We regularly meet with our Headteacher to discuss ways that FOHA can help fundraise for projects across the school.

Our fundraising priorities are:

  • Elmer class garden space renovation
  • Technology upgrades for the pupils
  • Much needed new books for the library

We aim to assist in completing these projects by holding various fundraising events, activities and initiatives throughout the year.

Thanks for all of your support!

The small print

FoHA Chair Reports

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