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Team Harpenden Academy celebrating another wonderful year together!


Year six geographers created questionnaires to ask children at Harpenden Academy about their visits to the Oval. They then discussed what campaign they could plan to encourage more people to visit this wonderful local nature haven.


Final year six trip and today was a wonderful visit to our local Harpenden library. We learnt that the library is a safe space for us as we travel through our teenage years and we enjoyed exploring all sorts of books (fiction and non fiction) and graphic novels.


Final year six trip and today was a wonderful visit to our local Harpenden library. We learnt that the library is a safe space for us as we travel through our teenage years and we enjoyed exploring all sorts of books (fiction and non fiction) and graphic novels.


Amazing Y4 successfully completed the DT project “Simple circuits and switches” ,designing and making their own torch!


Team Dahl were lucky to be joined by the wonderful Jack today who gave us a special final Spanish lesson!#MFL


Team Dahl exploring Harpenden on our geography field trip this morning!#Harpenden


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


Our year six geographers had a wonderful fieldwork trip to the Oval yesterday, practising their map reading skills and gathering data to create their own maps today.


Our year six geographers had a wonderful fieldwork trip to the Oval yesterday, practising their map reading skills and gathering data to create their own maps today.


In year 1 we have been enjoying using the atlases to locate hot and cold countries.


Harpenden Academy rockstars performing at their irock end of year concert.


Year six designers working on their mono print on fabric/sewing collages linked to our Black and British history unit.


Year six young chefs visiting Chef Jez Rothamsted Research to learn more about balanced diets, sustainable cooking and appealing presentation.


Year six young chefs visiting Chef Jez Rothamsted Research to learn more about balanced diets, sustainable cooking and appealing presentation.


Year six young chefs visiting Chef Jez Rothamsted Research to learn more about balanced diets, sustainable cooking and appealing presentation.


Team HA meeting Alice Hewson


Back watching the action.


The girls jazzed up their hats


Chill out time for our sports leaders

Parent Coffee Mornings

Coffee morning 1

All parents are welcome to come for a Friday morning coffee. There is always a short presentation (20 minutes). These include ways to really help support your child's learning at school, parenting advice and support and information about a wide range of things from safety to spellings and maths to mindfulness and more!

Friday mornings are always fun and very informal. There is lots of time to ask questions, share experiences and find out what is happening in school.

Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Carers, Aunties, Uncles and friends of the family are ALL welcome

Why come in for a coffee morning?

  • meet other parents
  • chat to your friends
  • celebrate that it is Friday
  • learn something new
  • feel involved in school life and up to date with what's going on
  • have some time just for you and feel great!

Please email the school office if you have a suggestion for future topics.

Date Title of Coffee Morning Powerpoint (click on ppt to download) Parent Suggestions from Session
4th November 2022

A Journey through school at Harpenden Academy

Mrs Davies

11th November 2022

The link between reading, academic success and wellbeing and how parents can help

Mrs Watson

  • share year group bookmarks (with range of questions with parent volunteer readers.
  • create a book swap station outside school to engage with the parent community (like at the train station).
  •  other ways to support children with swapping books.
  • remind parents that we are a healthy school so rather than bring in birthday treats, please donate a book to your class.
  • next term have a different reading activity to complete each week which is the same across the school eg. reading a picture to give all parents a range of ideas for reading with your child.
18th November 2022

Play & Lunch times

Mrs Marchment & Mrs Ross

No ppt  
25th November 2022

Cultural Capital and expanding children's horizons

Mrs Withers

  • Parents to support with diverse issues in school – Mrs Withers to create Focus Group in New Year
  • Resources and ways to support children in understanding LGBTQ+ issues in a child friendly way
  • Children love the workshops so more of those please 
  • Classical music – seeing orchestra
  • Theatre trips and shows like the Jack and the Beanstalk in Autumn
  • Updating of books to support children’s understanding of diversity
  • Anti-racism Schools Award?
2nd December 2022

Online Safety

Mrs Curnow/Police TBC

16th December 2022

Free places to go around London 

Mrs Davies

27th January 2023 PE at Harpenden Academy PE
  • Maintain Gold School games mark.
  • PE moderation and professional discussion to aid assessment of pupils
  • Continue and embed use of Concept Descriptors to inform assessment to ensure sustained progress in PE.
  • To use ipads as tool to aid the learning in PE.
  • To ensure we are being more sustainable in PE, we send all sporting communication via Edulink.
  • Support the wellbeing of pupils we are offering a range of opportunities to enjoy physical activity.
3rd February 2023 Travel Plan Travel
  • Spring and Summer, LA run initiatives.
  • Promote the park and stride.
  • Need to see an increase in families using the park and stride to reach silver.
  • Staff and pupil survey.
3rd March 2023 Apps we use in School Eharvey  
19th May 2023 Behaviour Support Procedures

Behaviour coffee morning (002)

Behaviour Support Summary

10th November 2023 Online Safety Workshop Online Safety  
17th November 2023 Sustainability Workshop Sustainability  
24th November 2023 Computing and New Technology New Technology  
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