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Team Harpenden Academy celebrating another wonderful year together!


Year six geographers created questionnaires to ask children at Harpenden Academy about their visits to the Oval. They then discussed what campaign they could plan to encourage more people to visit this wonderful local nature haven.


Final year six trip and today was a wonderful visit to our local Harpenden library. We learnt that the library is a safe space for us as we travel through our teenage years and we enjoyed exploring all sorts of books (fiction and non fiction) and graphic novels.


Final year six trip and today was a wonderful visit to our local Harpenden library. We learnt that the library is a safe space for us as we travel through our teenage years and we enjoyed exploring all sorts of books (fiction and non fiction) and graphic novels.


Amazing Y4 successfully completed the DT project “Simple circuits and switches” ,designing and making their own torch!


Team Dahl were lucky to be joined by the wonderful Jack today who gave us a special final Spanish lesson!#MFL


Team Dahl exploring Harpenden on our geography field trip this morning!#Harpenden


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


Our year six geographers had a wonderful fieldwork trip to the Oval yesterday, practising their map reading skills and gathering data to create their own maps today.


Our year six geographers had a wonderful fieldwork trip to the Oval yesterday, practising their map reading skills and gathering data to create their own maps today.


In year 1 we have been enjoying using the atlases to locate hot and cold countries.


Harpenden Academy rockstars performing at their irock end of year concert.


Year six designers working on their mono print on fabric/sewing collages linked to our Black and British history unit.


Year six young chefs visiting Chef Jez Rothamsted Research to learn more about balanced diets, sustainable cooking and appealing presentation.


Year six young chefs visiting Chef Jez Rothamsted Research to learn more about balanced diets, sustainable cooking and appealing presentation.


Year six young chefs visiting Chef Jez Rothamsted Research to learn more about balanced diets, sustainable cooking and appealing presentation.


Team HA meeting Alice Hewson


Back watching the action.


The girls jazzed up their hats


Chill out time for our sports leaders

Family Groups


Every member of the Harpenden Academy community, students and staff, as well as being in their own class and year group, belongs to a Family Group.  The Family Groups, Amber, Diamond, Emerald and Sapphire, are all named after precious stones as we believe the children are the jewel in our crown.

News and Views

We value the voice of all children here at Harpenden Academy.  Each fortnight, children meet up in their family groups – Amber, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire. Year 6 will lead a themed discussion, which maybe about current global, local or school based issues. A circle game opens each session, after which the theme is introduced and children share views and opinions – giving each child an opportunity to contribute their thoughts and ideas.

A reflection closes the session. 

During Friday assembly, an overview of the discussion is shared.  Children’s views are taken into consideration as part of decision making relating to school development.

Where the discussion has been related to this, actions to be taken in response to any points raised by the children are shared and displayed on the ‘News and Views’ board in the school hall.

Area of SMSC covered: 

Spiritual: Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.
Moral: Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views and have an appreciation of British Values.

Social: Investigate and moral issues; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the fundamental values of British democracy.

Cultural: Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain's parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

British Values

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Our Learning in Wordles, September 2019

Today in News and Views we focused on what learning was like at Harpenden Academy. The children had a intellectually stimulating discussion surrounding this subject and then Year 6 led a small group discussion, using the British value of democracy to vote for their groups top 3 words and explain why. 

Here are some examples of how the children feel about their learning:

Picture3 Picture2

 Picture1 Picture5

British Values in our Family Groups, June 2019

On Tuesday during our News and Views sessions, the Year 6 children ran presentations and activities that they'd created about the British Values for the children in their Family Group. They were extremely organised, professional and   engaged their audience brilliantly.

"The Year Six children led beautifully and engaged the children in articulate conversations about the British Values. The highlight was definitely the democratic vote on which song to have a dance break to!" Mrs Johnston.

"I loved doing some drama in Emerald family group. We were put in groups and each given one of the British Values and we had to act it out. It was lots of fun and really got us thinking!" Evie, Year 3.

BV5 BV4 



News & VIews, Family Groups, Mental Well-being Workshops, May 2019

What a wonderful afternoon we’re having in Family Groups with Year 6 children leading mental health & emotional well-being sessions across school. Year 6 planned their sessions to support younger children wth ideas from telling jokes to mindfulness. So proud of each and every Year 6 child.

Mh7 Mh5 Mh4 

Mh3  Mh2 Mh1

Computer Day, February 2019

Diamond Group

In our Computing session we became online music composers.  'Isle of tune' is described as 'a music sequencer for the modern colonial'.  The children created musical journeys from street layouts.  The roadside elements become the instruments and the cars are the players. As the cars drive down the street they play the 'instruments' they pass to create a melody.  The children could layer the music if they wished by using more than one street and car and make the map as complex as they wanted to.  If you want to have a try at home visit  

Isle of tune

Isle of tunepng 2

Ruby Group

We had a blast in our Green Screen workshop for Computing Day!

We worked in small groups to create an exciting image that took us to far away places. 

First of all we had to choose a background image, then we took a photo of our group doing a pose whilst standing on and in front of the green screen fabric (this is a really important part of getting the overall effect). Once we had these two images we used the Green Screen App to combine the two and create a photo where we became part of that scene - the results were really something!

Take a look at some of our pictures to see just how fabulous they look.

"This was the best activity, I love putting myself in places I've never been before!"

"I really liked posing like a superhero and being able to fly through the sky"

"I thought it was really funny to get eaten by an animal!"


Amber Group

Amber family group completed a QR code hunt based on ambitious vocabulary linked with love!!

(our value and it was Valentines day)

The children discovered the below words and then found the definition and  cracked the code to find the hidden word!!!

I'm sure you already know what these words mean, but I did not! I'm sending them round so you can encourage the children to use them. 

Venust - beautiful Afflated - to inpire
Incandescent - passionate/emotional Toothsome - handsome
Nonpareil - to have no match Nurture - to nourish with love
Enamour - filled with love Effulgent- shining brightly/radiant
Sanguine - optimistic  Lepid - pleasant


Img 2729 Img 2727 Img 2726

Sapphire Group

Children created charts on the popularity of certain categories in five love related areas. These areas were: love songs, love stories, love synonyms, love actions and love symbols. Children worked in mixed age groups to create tally charts.

Children then added their data to excel and used a formula to calculate the total number of votes. Children then turned their data into different charts and graphs. The activity involved children working in close groups and utilising each others computing skills.  

What is a thunk? January 2019

Each family group was given a morally questionable scenario to debate linked with our monthly value – honesty. 

What is a thunk?

Thunk n. 1. a beguiling question about everyday things that stops you in your tracks and helps you start to look at the world in a whole new light. 2. covers most areas of human existence including truth, justice, reality, beliefs, the natural world, the human condition, art, beauty, existence, right and wrong, good and bad, life and death, war, religion, love, friendship and whether Marmite™ tastes nice. 

The thunks were:

  • If you go into a shop and read a magazine but don't pay for it, is it stealing?
  • Is it OK if you tell a lie in order to not hurt a persons feelings? (diamond)
  • If you find a £20 note on the floor is it alright to keep it?
  • If you brake something but nobody saw you, and you know if will cause upset, should you own up?
  • If you steal my pen and I steal yours in return am I a thief too? Am I the same as you? Does it work for all crimes?
  • The children were all so creative and engaged, using their critical thinking skills and were able to debate numerous view points to each thunk.


Christmas Design & Technology in our Family Groups, December 2018

Diamond Family Group

We had a very festive afternoon on Tuesday working as a team to make a beautiful Gingerbread house.  It was lovely to see the children working together to produce doors, windows, sweets and decorations.  I was particularly impressed with the kindness that the children all showed each other.  Tuesday's kindness advent was  'offer to help someone who is facing difficulties', and I can whole-heartedly say that every child demonstrated this during the activity.  A delightful afternoon spent with children from every single year group.  Go team Diamond!

Spiritual: Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.

Img 4664 Img 4663 Img 4662 Img 4670 Img 4669

Playground Rules, November 2018

The Children identified their own strategies and processes to help address undesirable behaviour at the end of lunchtimes and break times. A marked improvement has been noted by SLT, staff and children.

Social: Investigate and moral issues; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the fundamental values of British democracy.

Playground Playground zones

International Playground Games, October 2018

The children were taught a range of different games from around the world, as part of international week. The children have been using these games at break and lunch.

Cultural: Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain's parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

Img 1241 Img 1243 Img 1242

 Img 1239 Img 1237 Img 1235 

Img 1234  Img 1233

What is it like to be a student at Harpenden Academy? September 2018

The children highlighted that they would like to spend more time on their favourite subjects which they named as topic, computing, music and P.E – Teachers have altered the timetable so these subjects can be taught for longer in the mornings.  

Spiritual: Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.

Harpenden academy pupil forum pic 
Please click on the powerpoint slide to see the results of our pupil forum
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