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Successful end of term art project for year six: children planned, designed and built these amazing Memories Boxes linked to our Oval history topic and our belonging driver.


Year six loved their visit from Steel today and asked some brilliant questions!#pshe


We loved our visit from Steel today, learning all about resilience and the importance of sleep, healthy diet, being active, hydration and showing gratitude (noticing glimmers). Can anyone beat Steel’s record of 757 burpees nonstop in under an hour?#pshe


As part of Safer Internet Day, year 2 explored a variety of dangers online and discussed how to respond to them. They had some excellent ideas and good knowledge of the safety features of various apps. They created posters to teach younger children about what they had learnt.


Amazing messages being given to the children this morning by the amazing gladiator Steel! What a fantastic morning we have ahead


Year six scientists dissecting hearts to understand how the circulatory system works.


Year six scientists dissecting hearts to understand how the circulatory system works.


Year six home learning designing posters for around school about how to keep safe online.


Year six historians exploring the Oval as part of their local history project, with an added extra of a tag rugby PE lesson!


Year six historians exploring the Oval as part of their local history project, with an added extra of a tag rugby PE lesson!


Team Dahl had a great science lesson on space and the stars with Mark the scientist yesterday (2).#science


Team Dahl had a great science lesson on space and the stars with Mark the scientist yesterday (1).#science


Marking Safer Internet Day with a visit from the charity Computer Friendly


Year 3 had a visit from Hands on Science and took part in a workshop on biological diversity.


This week in assembly we celebrated Martin Luther King day, reading about this inspiring activist who devoted his life to fighting for civil rights. We linked to other activists such as Nelson Mandela, Greta Thunberg, Malala and Rosa Parks; and to our value of respect.


A huge thank you to all the adults who came to visit us today to explain how their job uses maths.


Ladybirds have had a fantastic ! We have loved hearing about jobs that use numbers and dressing up! We are so inspired. We also made foot rulers to measure things in the classroom.


Our fourth visitor of the day was Tendaii, a train and air engineer. Our Y6’s were fascinated by his models and recognised how scale factors work in producing drafts of projects.


Our third visitor of the day was Matt who works in the sports field. He explained to our Y6’s how fractions, decimals and percentages play a part in making predictions about different sporting events.


Our second visitor of the day was Business Analyst Andreii who spoke to our Y6’s about how algebra and coding is used in his IT role.


Our first visitor of the day was Nurse Helen who works at treating cancer patients. Our Y6’s enjoyed learning about why measuring is particularly crucial in this field.


Happy Number Day from Year 3!


Aren’t we lucky to have such lovely, kind parents in our Year 1 class? We are so appreciative of these yummy sweet treats!


Lunar new year celebrations last week

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Reading for Pleasure

English Reading Journey

Recommended Reads

KS1 and KS2 Sept 2024 Reading Workshop PPT

February 2023 Parent Survey Results

February 2023 Child Survey Results

Bedtime Stories - read by staff

At Harpenden Academy we recognise the relationship between attainment in and enjoyment of reading. We aim to develop positive attitudes towards reading and foster a love of books through the school’s enthusiastic reading culture. As a school we take specific action to ensure we are equipping pupils with the skills to become life-long readers and to ensure reading is promoted as a high-value activity. We use the several strategies detailed in this report to organise reading for pleasure and support Harpenden Academy pupils in becoming confident, keen and capable readers.

Supporting Staff

In order to teach reading effectively, staff need to have the necessary knowledge and skills. Significant leadership time is devoted to training teachers and teaching assistants in effective reading strategies. The English lead keeps updated with the latest research and CPD in reading in order to support staff in delivering research-based, effective reading learning.

All teachers are trained and deliver Reading Fluency interventions as well as whole class fluency sessions.

The Revised Reading Framework has been fundamental in reviewing and improving our reading provisions: Reading Framework ( along with training from the English Hub and Herts for Learning.

The structured, systematic teaching of phonics is taught daily in Reception and KS1 using Bug Club which ensures staff are equipped to cover all areas of phonics successfully. Regular phonics CPD for all teachers and teaching assistants ensures all children across the school are effectively supported in phonics. We use regular assessments to identify areas of need and, where necessary, adjust class, keep-up and catch-up provision.

Teaching the Reading Curriculum

Our data analysis identifies pupils who have fallen or who are at risk of falling behind in their reading and interventions are put in place, in particular Reading Fluency and 1:1 reading. Termly pupil progress review meetings between Senior Leaders and class teachers judge the impact of interventions and groupings are amended or teaching support redeployed according to need. We acknowledge that reading enjoyment and reading achievement are interdependent, so identification of need is key to ensuring all our pupils can participate fully in the reading curriculum.

Vocabulary development is recognised as a priority, so teachers plan opportunities to clarify and extend pupils’ understanding of new words. Reading sessions are a prime opportunity to do this but new subject vocabulary is also introduced in science, maths and foundation lessons. In the early years, pupils’ vocabulary extension is planned for within focus activities, as well as in Drawing Club sessions.

We recognise the need to increase pupils’ reading stamina and their independence, so pupils are given opportunities to read alone, silently, and to engage in daily Book Talk. They learn to make choices about what to read using the selection of books in the class book area and from the library. Teacher recommended reads along with pupil recommendations form an important part of our reading culture.

Throughout school, teachers read aloud to their classes daily in Reading for Pleasure sessions. We value reading aloud and hearing books read and recognise that sharing a text is a special time which should be guarded despite the time pressures of the curriculum.

Developing the Reading Environment

Each class from Reception to Year 6 has its own inviting book corner containing a range of reading materials, grouped into fiction and non-fiction with books grouped into story genres and subjects. Teacher recommended reads are displayed along with books linked to current learning.

The school library was revamped in Summer 2023 and is a fabulous resource used by all classes. Once our new library system is fully implemented, Upper Key Stage 2 librarians will be nominated and trained.

Each class has a book-themed display which is updated termly to reflect a key text studied along with work inspired by this book. Also displayed are other key texts linked to this book as well as key vocabulary explored.

Reading is promoted and utilised in all subject areas, whether this be on-screen reading as part of topic research; researching child-friendly websites; or using information books from the library to extend knowledge in a range of subject areas. For every new topic in our written subjects, we produce a Big Picture Small Steps which outlines the learning journey along with key texts to be used and key vocabulary to be taught.

We created a book exchange for parents outside school to promote parents’ love of reading and to again provide adult reading role models to children.

Celebrating Reading

Adults in school are the pupils’ role models, so we demonstrate that we are readers by sharing with pupils what we are currently reading. Teachers and other adults talk enthusiastically about reading and weave their love of reading into assemblies and presentations. Authors and poets are invited into school and work with pupils to inspire them as readers and writers.

Classes, in particular Reception and Year 6, visit the local library to encourage membership and healthy reading habits outside school time.

We hold a book fair every year and have recently switched to use Next page Books, a local bookshop who helped us to stock our new library and who promote diversity in books.

Engaging Parents

Parents are kept up to date with reading workshops at least once a year which promote the importance of reading at home. They also received regular updates from the class teachers and reading lead via email, the website and Twitter regarding recommended reads.

Our families are encouraged to read with or to their child each day, and to ensure this is recorded in their reading record (EYFS and KS1) or Book of Beautiful Sentences (KS2). They are informed about pupils’ reading levels and of course attend Parents’ Evenings and school events to find out about the reading curriculum.

Moving Forward

Raising pupils’ attainment in reading is a priority for every member of the school staff as is developing a love of reading. In the knowledge that excellence and enjoyment are reciprocal processes, we strive to enhance and support children’s reading, so Harpenden Academy pupils love to read because they can read.

EYFS Reading Workshop

KS2 Parent Volunteering Workshop

Phonics Reception Parent Workshop

Reception and Year 1 Phonics Reading Workshop

Reading in the Early Years Booklet

Reading Fluency Workshop

A huge thank you to all of you parents from EYFS to Y6 who attended the Maths and Reading Fluency workshop. It was lovely to see so many keen faces and to be able to share with you the importance of maths and reading; how we approach the teaching and learning of maths and reading in school; why we adopt these approaches; and most importantly how you can support at home with these key skills.

Please click here to download the ppt from the session

Reading Parent Workshop September 2022

Read All About It Information Board

As part of our focus on raising the profile of reading inside and outside of school, we have created a reading information board in the school foyer; this board will keep parents informed of key reading initiatives. Come take a look!

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