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Successful end of term art project for year six: children planned, designed and built these amazing Memories Boxes linked to our Oval history topic and our belonging driver.


Year six loved their visit from Steel today and asked some brilliant questions!#pshe


We loved our visit from Steel today, learning all about resilience and the importance of sleep, healthy diet, being active, hydration and showing gratitude (noticing glimmers). Can anyone beat Steel’s record of 757 burpees nonstop in under an hour?#pshe


As part of Safer Internet Day, year 2 explored a variety of dangers online and discussed how to respond to them. They had some excellent ideas and good knowledge of the safety features of various apps. They created posters to teach younger children about what they had learnt.


Amazing messages being given to the children this morning by the amazing gladiator Steel! What a fantastic morning we have ahead


Year six scientists dissecting hearts to understand how the circulatory system works.


Year six scientists dissecting hearts to understand how the circulatory system works.


Year six home learning designing posters for around school about how to keep safe online.


Year six historians exploring the Oval as part of their local history project, with an added extra of a tag rugby PE lesson!


Year six historians exploring the Oval as part of their local history project, with an added extra of a tag rugby PE lesson!


Team Dahl had a great science lesson on space and the stars with Mark the scientist yesterday (2).#science


Team Dahl had a great science lesson on space and the stars with Mark the scientist yesterday (1).#science


Marking Safer Internet Day with a visit from the charity Computer Friendly


Year 3 had a visit from Hands on Science and took part in a workshop on biological diversity.


This week in assembly we celebrated Martin Luther King day, reading about this inspiring activist who devoted his life to fighting for civil rights. We linked to other activists such as Nelson Mandela, Greta Thunberg, Malala and Rosa Parks; and to our value of respect.


A huge thank you to all the adults who came to visit us today to explain how their job uses maths.


Ladybirds have had a fantastic ! We have loved hearing about jobs that use numbers and dressing up! We are so inspired. We also made foot rulers to measure things in the classroom.


Our fourth visitor of the day was Tendaii, a train and air engineer. Our Y6’s were fascinated by his models and recognised how scale factors work in producing drafts of projects.


Our third visitor of the day was Matt who works in the sports field. He explained to our Y6’s how fractions, decimals and percentages play a part in making predictions about different sporting events.


Our second visitor of the day was Business Analyst Andreii who spoke to our Y6’s about how algebra and coding is used in his IT role.


Our first visitor of the day was Nurse Helen who works at treating cancer patients. Our Y6’s enjoyed learning about why measuring is particularly crucial in this field.


Happy Number Day from Year 3!


Aren’t we lucky to have such lovely, kind parents in our Year 1 class? We are so appreciative of these yummy sweet treats!


Lunar new year celebrations last week

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Modern Foreign Languages


‘A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing.’ (National Curriculum 2014 – Appendix A)

Learning a language enriches the curriculum helping to create enthusiastic learners and to develop positive attitudes to language learning throughout life. The skills, knowledge and understanding gained contribute to the development of children’s oracy and literacy and to their understanding of their own culture and those of others.

At Harpenden Academy, we feel that the earlier a child is exposed to a foreign language, the faster the language in question is acquired. We believe that the early acquisition of Spanish in KS2 will facilitate the learning of other foreign languages later in life. We aim to prepare children for the KS3 language curriculum to enable them to transfer confidently and successfully.

Our teaching of Spanish aims to foster children’s curiosity and help deepen their understanding of the world. A spiral curriculum has been chosen to allow an opportunity for children to gradually build on their skills. It enables children to express their ideas and thoughts in Spanish, providing opportunities for them to interact and communicate with others for practical purposes both in speech and in writing. The aim for Lower KS2 is that children acquire basic skills and understanding in Spanish with a strong emphasis placed on developing their Speaking and Listening ability. These will be further developed in Upper KS2 alongside Reading and Writing skills, gradually progressing to more complex language concepts and greater learner autonomy.

Through our Language Angels Spanish scheme, we aim to inspire pupils to develop a love of languages and to expand their horizons to other countries, cultures and people. We intend to help children grow into curious, confident and reflective language learners and to provide them with a foundation that will equip them for further language studies.

Our formal teaching of Spanish starts when the children are in KS2. However, as a school we want to ensure that children are developing a love of language from a young age and therefore we ensure that the children in EYFS and KS1 are introduced to a range of languages through greetings, songs and games.

At the end of each unit, our learning scheme, Language Angels, provides an assessment against which the children’s long-term learning can be assessed. This is broken down and covers the four schema of MFL: speaking, listening, reading and writing. This data is used alongside teacher judgement to inform end of year reports.



First Hand Experiences

First Hand Experiences in MFL


MFL Subject on a Page v2


Subject on a page

Adaptive teaching



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