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Thank you to all those parents who took the time to come and get to know us. Belonging is one of our curriculum drivers and as a school we place huge emphasis on ensuring that every member of our school community feels like they are welcome and that they belong.


Thank you to all those parents who took the time to come and get to know us. Belonging is one of our curriculum drivers and as a school we place huge emphasis on ensuring that every member of our school community feels like they are welcome and that they belong.


Thank you to all those parents who took the time to come and get to know us. Belonging is one of our curriculum drivers and as a school we place huge emphasis on ensuring that every member of our school community feels like they are welcome and that they belong.


Team Dahl in a haunting rendition of the ghost parade!


Team Dahl delving into our wonderful school library and learning our new school system of borrowing books!


Fantastic to welcome families to our Meet the Teacher event this evening. Great to build relationships at the start of the year


Year six actors creating freeze frames to depict the mysterious, suspenseful mood of our new book: Night of the Gargoyles.


Year six actors creating freeze frames to depict the mysterious, suspenseful mood of our new book: Night of the Gargoyles.


The new Team Shakespeare getting to know each other and practising their Oracy skills with a game of summer holiday Articulate.


The new Team Shakespeare getting to know each other and practising their Oracy skills with a game of summer holiday Articulate.


We’ve had lots of fun making patterns in Elmer class this morning.


🏃Year 7 Intra-School Mob Race🏃‍♀️ Excellent display by the year 7’s in their first sporting opportunity at SJL. The most successful runners now have an opportunity to represent SJL at the District Mob Race on Tuesday @ Sandringham School! Here are our top boys and girls 👏


Getting to know you bingo in Moomin class this morning !


The new Moomin class enjoying some quiet time in the library !


A fabulous first day in Moomin class problem-solving in maths !


A fabulous first day in Moomin class learning about teamwork!


Team Harpenden Academy celebrating another wonderful year together!


Year six geographers created questionnaires to ask children at Harpenden Academy about their visits to the Oval. They then discussed what campaign they could plan to encourage more people to visit this wonderful local nature haven.


Final year six trip and today was a wonderful visit to our local Harpenden library. We learnt that the library is a safe space for us as we travel through our teenage years and we enjoyed exploring all sorts of books (fiction and non fiction) and graphic novels.


Final year six trip and today was a wonderful visit to our local Harpenden library. We learnt that the library is a safe space for us as we travel through our teenage years and we enjoyed exploring all sorts of books (fiction and non fiction) and graphic novels.


Amazing Y4 successfully completed the DT project “Simple circuits and switches” ,designing and making their own torch!


Team Dahl were lucky to be joined by the wonderful Jack today who gave us a special final Spanish lesson!#MFL


Team Dahl exploring Harpenden on our geography field trip this morning!#Harpenden


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


A wonderful year six leavers’ celebration last week where the sun shone and the children presented their amazing three course meals to their families. We’re going to miss you all so much but you are so ready to move on…#foodtechnology


"Safeguarding is effective. pupils are cared for well and taught, systematically, how to keep themselves safe in a range of situations." School Ofsted Report, June 2019

In England the law states that people who work with children have to keep them safe. 

This safeguarding legislation is set out in The Children Act, (1989) and (2004)

It also features in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (to which the UK is a signatory) and sets out the rights of children to be free from abuse. 

The Government also provides guidance in its document Working Together to Safeguard Children.

At the academy, safeguarding means:

  • protecting students from maltreatment
  • preventing impairment of students’ health or development
  • ensuring that students are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.
  • taking action to enable all students to have the best outcome

We take Safeguarding seriously because we know it can have a huge impact on learning. With this in mind, we have policies and procedures in place for safeguarding and child protection in order to:

We feel everybody is responsible for safeguarding and we take great pride in this work.

Our designated safeguarding lead is Lisa Davies, Headteacher. Please contact her in the first instance if you have any immediate concerns about the safety or well-being of students in the school, or don’t know who else to contact.

The deputy designated safeguarding leads are:

Operation Encompass

  • Harpenden Academy is part of Operation Encompass. This is a police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people who experience Domestic Abuse.
  • Operation Encompass means that the police will share information about Domestic Abuse incidents with our school prior to the start of the next school day when they have been called to a domestic incident.
  • The Operation Encompass information is stored in line with all other confidential safeguarding and child protection information.
  • The key adults with access to Operation Encompass are our DSL, Mrs Davies, or one of our Deputy DSLs, Mrs Curnow, Mrs Watson or Mrs Withers
  • When a notification is received, we are aware that we must do nothing that puts the child/ren or the non abusing adult at risk.

Operation Encompass

Support for Parents and Carers – Families First Portal

What is Families First?

Families First is the term used in Hertfordshire for services that work together to support families who need extra help. These are also known as early help services.  We all experience difficulties at some point. Families First can help you find early help and information to prevent issues from getting worse.  If you need more help than your usual support network – for example your health visitor, school, doctor or family centre – Families First can work with you and your family to create a package of support.

Who is it for?

Families First is available to all Hertfordshire families with children under 18 (25 if they have a learning need or disability).

Issues they can help with:

  • parenting
  • mental and physical health problems
  • drug or alcohol dependency
  • domestic abuse
  • school related concerns – such as your child is not attending school
  • debt problems
  • risk of becoming homeless.

If you would like to access any support, please access this website for further links and information:

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